I usually play games on my pc and I sometimes post gameplay content online.

Hopefully I can develop more of an understanding of how to design art through a computer.

No difference of learning between computers of visual studies

I only did messed with photoshop once. 

I have a PC

My favorite artist is Vango

One of my favorite musician right now is Xxxtentacion.

I'm starting college at age 17

Story-I pretty much grew up in NJ my whole life. The rest of my family just had came from South Carolina. I used to draw a lot. I was fascinated into music and video games. I was striving to become some engineer. I owned 2 RC cars that I race and repair nonstop. I took an interest in origami and I love to create paper airplanes, especially if I created the design myself. I won many art rewards when I was younger and I also took an interest into shoe designs. My only creative work I really did on a computer was PowerPoint. Other than that, I can't wait to develop the skills of PhotoShopImage result for black background image


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